Category committees
RAEC specialist committees bring together key manufacturers to find solutions to the most important issues of the industry.
The Association holds regular meetings and round tables with leading manufacturers of electrotechnical products.
Participants include Ostec, IEK, КВТ, Promrukav, NZETA, TDM, 3М, Lighting technologies, BL-trade, Varton, JazzWay, ERA, ASD.
The mission of the committees is exchange of opinions concerning further development of the market, changes in the commercial policies and standards, working out solutions and determining the priorities of our joint activities.
Acting category committees of RAEC:
- committee on lighting technology
- committee on cable support systems and cable accessories
- committee on low-voltage equipment


On 19-20 April, the Association held the first Committee on Electrical installation products and Low voltage equipment, to which the world manufacturers and Russian leaders of electrical engineering were invited.

On November 14th the first RAEC Committee on Сable Support Systems and Cable accessories was held.

On September 14th and 15th in Moscow there was an important event for the industry — the Russian Association of Eelectrotechnical companies held the first Lighting Committee.