
Leading electrotechnical company of the Central Black Earth Region and the Southern Federal District. Authorized dealer of major international and Russian manufacturers.

About the company

“AVS-electro” is a leading electrotechnical company of the Central Black Earth Region and the Southern Federal District. In 20 years of its existence it has worked its way from a humble Voronezh firm to one of the five largest distributors in Russia.

The company was among the first to sign the “Honest Position” charter for fair business practices. “AVS-electro” offers a choice of 1,000,000 products from over 200 leading global electrotechnical manufacturers. An impressive working experience allows it to rely on strong partners and trusted suppliers. The company has priority rights to sell products of such major brands as IEK, ABB, Schneider Electric, Legrand, Philips, Osram, Camelion, Ensto, Thermex, and many others.

Feedback from their buyers and partners motivate “AVS-electro” to continue improving the product range and sales policies, develop professional skills of its staff and improve service standards, optimize the logistics, and upgrade the warehouse facilities.

Business profile

  • Large-scale wholesaling and retailing of electrotechnical materials and equipment
  • Project design and electrical installation works, including supplies of materials and parts
  • Design and installation of cable heating systems (floor heating)
  • Installation of external power-supply networks
  • Design and assembly of electric service panels of any complexity
  • Lighting design concepts
  • Installation and maintenance of the “Smart house” system

The Voronezh warehouse of the “AVS-electro” company

We are certified to do all types of electrical installation works. The company’s potential allows us to carry out projects of any complexity: from small individual orders to industrial large-scale projects to providing a comprehensive solution for a customer.

“AVS-electro” has more than 250 large-scale projects under its belt, among them the Moscow International Business Center, the Skolkovo Innovation Center, Sheremetyevo International Airport, Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, fuel and petrochemical refinery plant “Sibur” (Tobolsk), Formula One race track (Sochi), the Olympic Village (Moscow Region), Siemens and Furukava (Voronezh) plants, АВВ (Lipetsk).


Sukhoverkhov Andrey Vladimirovich
Chairman of the Group’s Board of Directors, founder of “AVS-electro”

The company in figures

Foundation of the company
Cities with Company presence
Retail stores
Wholesale offices
> 1200
25 000
31 000 м²
Warehouses and storage facilities


“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 53а, Korochanskaya St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4722 23-29-10


“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 172, Preobrazenskaya St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4722 23-29-10


“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 47 Б, Shchorsa St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4722 23-29-10


“AVS-electro” branch office

Unit 2, Bld. 41, Microdistrict Moskovskiy

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4832 770-470


“AVS-electro” headquarters

Bld. 2в, Tekstilschchikov St.

+7 (473) 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” central warehouse

Section 1, zone 10, Promyshlennaya St., Aidarovskoye rural settlement, Ramonskiy district, Voronezh region.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 13, Novosibirskaya St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 142, Shishkova St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 473 246-00-00


“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 17, Kutsygina St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 84, Dorozhnaya St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 117, Leninskiy Prospekt

8 800 555-88-59

+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 35, Pobedy Bulvar

8 800 555-88-59

+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 120, Dimitrova St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 2B, Tekstilshchikov St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 70, Shiskova St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 5а, Ostuzheva St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 3, Oleko Dundicha St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 174, Leninsky Prospekt

8 800 555-88-59

+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 12А, Moskovskoye Shosse

8 800 555-88-59

+7 47467 47-3-63

“AVS-electro” branch office

Room 3, Bld. 18, Grabtsevskoye Shosse

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4842 277-600


“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 99, Moskovskaya St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 861 212-50-50

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 170, Oktyabrskaya St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 861 212-50-50


“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 212/13, Uralskaya St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 861 212-50-50


“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 15, Lizy Chaykinoy St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 861 212-50-50

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 3, Studencheskaya St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4712 34-94-94


“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 10а, Verkhnyaya Lugovaya St. (shopping center “Tvoy Dom”)

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4712 34-94-94


“AVS-electro” wholesale distribution center

Bld. 23Ж, 3-ya Agregatnaya St.

+7 4712 34-94-94, доб.: 2459, доб.: 2457



“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 20а, 60 let SSSR Prospekt

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4742 505-585

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 59, Stakhanova St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4742 505-585


“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 92, Kosmonavtov St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4742 505-585

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 19А, Pobedy Prospekt

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4742 505-585

“AVS-electro” branch office

Office 268 at “Prozhektor” Business Center (Premise 32, Bld. 56, Entuziastov Shosse)

8 800 555-88-59

+7 499 704-47-91


“AVS-electro” pick-up point

Bld. 35Б, Admirala Kornilova St., Sosenskoye settlement

8 800 555-88-59

+7 499 704-47-91


“AVS-electro” branch office

Premise 1, Kievskoye Shosse, Business Park “Rumyantsevo”

8 800 555-88-59

+7 499 704-47-91

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 2б, Tsvetaeva St.

800 555-88-59

+7 4862 59-99-888

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 74, Karachevskoye Shosse

800 555-88-59

+7 4862 59-99-888

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 169м, Proletarskaya St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 47396 6-60-40


“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 11, Zorge St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 863 206-64-60

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 27а, Malinovskogo St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 863 206-64-60

“AVS-electro” branch office

Segment №5/7, 1st km of the “Rostov-on-Don - Novoshakhtinsk” Highway, Myasnikovsky district, Rostov region.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 863 206-64-60

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 32/36, Korolyova Prospekt

8 800 555-88-59

+7 863 206-64-60


“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 2, Solotchinskoye Shosse

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4912 559-559

“AVS-electro” sales department branch

Letter A, Bld. 70, Line 5 of Vasilyevsky Island

8 800 555-88-59

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 4, Nadezhda Microdistrict (Shopping Center “Planeta”)

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4725 32-26-15


“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 10, Olminskogo Microdistrict

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4725 32-26-15

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 158, Sovetskaya St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4752 75-61-62


“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 54а, Chicherina St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4752 75-61-62

“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 132, Lozhevaya St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4872 77-05-55


“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 33, Oktyabrskaya St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4872 77-05-55


“AVS-electro” branch office

Bld. 6, Mosina St.

8 800 555-88-59

+7 4872 77-05-55


“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 53а, Korochanskaya St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4722 23-29-10

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 172, Preobrazenskaya St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4722 23-29-10

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 47 Б, Shchorsa St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4722 23-29-10


“AVS-electro” branch office
Unit 2, Bld. 41, Microdistrict Moskovskiy
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4832 770-470


“AVS-electro” headquarters
Bld. 2в, Tekstilschchikov St.
+7 (473) 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” central warehouse
Section 1, zone 10, Promyshlennaya St., Aidarovskoye rural settlement, Ramonskiy district, Voronezh region.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 13, Novosibirskaya St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 142, Shishkova St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 17, Kutsygina St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 84, Dorozhnaya St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 117, Leninskiy Prospekt
8 800 555-88-59
+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 35, Pobedy Bulvar
8 800 555-88-59
+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 120, Dimitrova St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 2B, Tekstilshchikov St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 70, Shiskova St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 5а, Ostuzheva St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 3, Oleko Dundicha St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 473 246-00-00

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 174, Leninsky Prospekt
8 800 555-88-59
+7 473 246-00-00


“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 12А, Moskovskoye Shosse
8 800 555-88-59
+7 47467 47-3-63


“AVS-electro” branch office
Room 3, Bld. 18, Grabtsevskoye Shosse
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4842 277-600


“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 99, Moskovskaya St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 861 212-50-50

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 170, Oktyabrskaya St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 861 212-50-50

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 212/13, Uralskaya St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 861 212-50-50

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 15, Lizy Chaykinoy St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 861 212-50-50


“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 3, Studencheskaya St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4712 34-94-94

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 10а, Verkhnyaya Lugovaya St. (shopping center “Tvoy Dom”)
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4712 34-94-94

“AVS-electro” wholesale distribution center
Bld. 23Ж, 3-ya Agregatnaya St.
+7 4712 34-94-94, доб.: 2459, доб.: 2457


“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 20а, 60 let SSSR Prospekt
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4742 505-585

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 59, Stakhanova St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4742 505-585

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 92, Kosmonavtov St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4742 505-585

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 19А, Pobedy Prospekt
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4742 505-585


“AVS-electro” branch office
Office 268 at “Prozhektor” Business Center (Premise 32, Bld. 56, Entuziastov Shosse)
8 800 555-88-59
+7 499 704-47-91

“AVS-electro” pick-up point
Bld. 35Б, Admirala Kornilova St., Sosenskoye settlement
8 800 555-88-59
+7 499 704-47-91

“AVS-electro” branch office
Premise 1, Kievskoye Shosse, Business Park “Rumyantsevo”
8 800 555-88-59
+7 499 704-47-91


“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 2б, Tsvetaeva St.
800 555-88-59
+7 4862 59-99-888

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 74, Karachevskoye Shosse
800 555-88-59
+7 4862 59-99-888


“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 169м, Proletarskaya St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 47396 6-60-40


“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 11, Zorge St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 863 206-64-60

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 27а, Malinovskogo St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 863 206-64-60

“AVS-electro” branch office
Segment №5/7, 1st km of the “Rostov-on-Don - Novoshakhtinsk” Highway, Myasnikovsky district, Rostov region.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 863 206-64-60

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 32/36, Korolyova Prospekt
8 800 555-88-59
+7 863 206-64-60


“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 2, Solotchinskoye Shosse
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4912 559-559

St. Petersburg

“AVS-electro” sales department branch
Letter A, Bld. 70, Line 5 of Vasilyevsky Island
8 800 555-88-59

Stary Oskol

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 4, Nadezhda Microdistrict (Shopping Center “Planeta”)
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4725 32-26-15

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 10, Olminskogo Microdistrict
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4725 32-26-15


“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 158, Sovetskaya St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4752 75-61-62

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 54а, Chicherina St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4752 75-61-62


“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 132, Lozhevaya St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4872 77-05-55

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 33, Oktyabrskaya St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4872 77-05-55

“AVS-electro” branch office
Bld. 6, Mosina St.
8 800 555-88-59
+7 4872 77-05-55