“Electrokomplectservis” is a growing electrotechnical company which has its regional affiliates (with an extensive geography of location network) reaching from Irkutsk to Moscow.
About the company
In July 1992, a new company, “ElectroKomplectServis”, emerged in Novosibirsk. Back then, few could have believed that a small rented room and a few students, dedicated dreamers, would have given rise to the largest electrotechnical company of the region, and one of the largest in Russia.
“Electrokomplectservis” is:
- service centers for corporate clients;
- “Planeta ELEKTRIKA” retail network, including dozens of branch offices in Russian cities;
- nternet portal elektro.ru that allows customers to create orders for current warehouse stock at any time;
- logistics terminals — the largest electrotechnical terminals in Russia;
- Novosibirsk Electromechanical Plant (NEMZ), manufacturer of a wide range of low-voltage switching equipment.

Today “Planeta ELEKTRIKA” offers its clients tens of thousands of items of electrotechnical products: from sockets to read-to-use transformer substations, both of Russian and foreign manufacture. This allows them to promptly equip, at a fair price, any facility, whether this be a domestic or an office building, a logistics park or a factory, with a full set of electrical appliances.
Timely supplies of the right quantities to the right places is one of the company’s doubtless advantages. Lead time for any order now does not exceed two days to any location in Russia, a fact greatly appreciated by consumers. The Company’s distribution center is located in the city of Novosibirsk.

Glazunov Vladimir Viktorovich
CJSC “Electrokomplectservis” Board of Directors Chairman, member of the RAEC Management Committee
The company in figures
филиал «Планета Электрика»
Room 213, Bld. 13, 19-y Microdistrict
(3955) 64-53-74
филиал «Планета Электрика»
Bld. 43, Gogolya St. (behind the “Ultra” Shopping Center)
(3852) 99-88-11
филиал «Планета Электрика»
Bld. 5/6, Pervomayskaya St. (Berdsk Shopping Center)
+7 383 212-59-70
филиал «Планета Электрика»
Block 9, Bld. 1, Oktyabrskoy Revolutsyi St.
(3952) 93-11-47
филиал «Планета Электрика»
Bld. 201, Sovetskaya St.
+7 38343 4-22-90
+7 38343 4-25-55
+7 38343 2-95-06
+7 38343 2-03-62
филиал «Планета Электрика»
Premise 1, Bld. 1, Vavilova St.
(3912) 71-14-32
(3912) 71-14-59
филиал «Планета Электрика»
Bld. 81, 9 Maya St., near shopping center “Dommer”
(3912) 72-35-98
(3912) 72-37-64
филиал "Планета Электрика"
Bld. 27, imeni Gazety Krasnoyarskiy Rabochiy Prospekt
+7 (391) 272-28-50
+7 (391) 272-28-60
филиал «Планета Электрика»
Bld. 7, Stroiteley St.
(3843) 20-06-95
(3843) 20-91-62
филиал «Планета Электрика»
Bld. 57, K. Marksa Prospekt, 1st floor
+7 383 210-67-00