The “Elevel” company was founded in 1991, started its business in the electrotechnical market in 1994 by importing Anam wiring products from South Korea (today the factory belongs to the Legrand group).
About the company
Sinсe 2009 the Сompany has been rated top 5 major ABB, Schneider Electric and Legrand distributors in Russia. An active member of RAEC and one of the market leaders in Russia by volume of sales of electric installation and low-voltage equipment.
The sales system is based on the customer-oriented approach, when each department develops and accumulates necessary expertise and best practices during their work:
- with electrical stores, DIY chain stores and online shops;
- with manufacturers of electric switchboards and ОЕМ-partners;
- with industrial companies;
- with architecture firms and interior designers;
- with general contractors and investors;
- with electrical-installation organizations and construction brigades;
- with private individuals.
Business profile
- Elevel — wholesaling and retailing, procurement of engineering projects and distribution of electrotechnical equipment, lighting equipment and cables from over 100 manufacturers.
- Elevel Inzhener — designing, turn-key projects or reconstruction of electrical power supply, lighting and building automation systems. Manufacturing of electric switchboards under 6.300А, Company’s own electric laboratory, electrical installation.
“Elevel” company office
The company has:
- Affiliated branches with an office and a warehouse in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Rostov and Novosibirsk.
- Certified production sites for electric switchboards assembly in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.
- 20 retail stores in Moscow and the Moscow Region.

Bork Anton Rolfovich
General Director
The company in figures
Elevel store on “Shosse Entuziastov”
Metro Station “Shosse Entuziastov”, Bld. 13а, Elektrodnaya St.
+7 495 134-25-21
+7 495 363-32-03, доб.: 5085, 5086, 5083, 5082, 5081
+7 903 546-15-23
Elevel store on “Oktyabrskoye Polye”
Metro Station Oktyabrskoye Polye, Bld. 10, Marshala Rybalko St.
+7 495 363-32-03, доб.: 5035, 5032, 5030, 5033, 5031
Elevel store on “Tyoply Stan”
Metro Station “Tyoply Stan”, MRHW, 41st km (intercrossing of MRHW and Profsoyuznaya St.), Pavilions Б-22/2, В-22/2
+7 495 363-32-03 доб. 5401, 5402
Elevel store in “Annino”
Metro Station “Annino”, MRHW, 33rd km (intercrossing of MRHW and Varshavskoye shosse), “Elektrika” Pavilion 2-8П
+7 495 363-32-03, доб. 5406, 5407
Elevel store in “Lyublino”
Metro Station “Lyublino”, Bld. 1с2а, Tikhoretskiy Bulvar, Pavilion О-103, 1st floor
+7 495 363-32-03, доб. 5416, 5417
Elevel store in “Novokosino”
Metro Station “Novokosino”, Estate No. 4, Nosovikhinskoye shosse (2.7 km from MRHW), Pavilion 2 — 17 line; Pavilion 31 — 3 line
+7 495 363-32-03, доб. 5426, 5427, 5428, 5429
Elevel store in “Dmitrov”
Bld. 3, Professionalnaya St.
+7 495 363-32-03, доб.: 5103, 5104
+7 909 986-48-04
Elevel sales office
Bld. 41, Belinskogo St., (second floor), entry from Belinskogo St.
+7 (343) 287-01-61 (многоканальный)
Elevel electrotechnics store in “Mytishchi”
Yaroslavskoye shosse, 100 m from MRHW, Bld. 25, «Г» Kommunisticheskaya St., “Trakt-terminal” Market , Unit 11, Pavilions 9
+7 495 363-32-03, доб. 5436, 5437
Elevel sales office
Bld. 39, Inskaya St.
+7 383 335-88-09
+7 383 227-71-40
+7 383 227-71-30
Elevel store in “Noginsk”
Bld. 1-б, Dekabristov St.
+7 495 363-32-03, доб.: 5110, 5113
+7 909 986-64-61
Elevel store in “Orekhovo-Zuyevo”
Bld. 90, Uritskogo St.
+7 495 363-32-03, доб.: 5130, 5131
+7 909 986-40-72
Elevel store in “Pushkino”
Bld. 4а, Yaroslavskoye Shosse
+7 495 363-32-03, доб.: 5120/ 5122
+7 909 986-31-15
Elevel sales office
Metro Station Ladozhskaya, Block 1, Bld. 23, Magnitogorskaya St.
+7 812 324-69-95
Elevel store in “Sergiyev Posad”
Bld. 240, Krasnoy Armii Prospekt
+7 495 363-32-03, доб.: 5105, 5106
+7 909 986-30-75
Elevel electrotechnics store in “Shchelkovo”
Bld. 7а, Proletarskiy Prospekt
+7 495 363-32-03, доб.: 5115, 5116
+7 909 986-56-15
Elevel store in “Elektrostal”
Bld. 28, Noginskoye Shosse
+7 495 363-32-03, доб.: 5125, 5126
8 909 986-60-35