Energy service contract in road lighting: Now in Kursk Oblast

Lighting Technologies ESCO proceed to install road lighting in Kursk Oblast. This is the second region of Russia after Ivanovo Oblast that signed an energy service contract to replace the lighting along intercity roads.

In total, 1,623 sodium fixtures will be replaced on 26 electric lighting lines in 8 districts in the west and south of the region, including the federal highway M-2 from Moscow to Crimea. The contract savings will be more than 70%.

An intelligent lighting control system using Internet of Things and wireless communication technologies will also be introduced. The contract involves the installation of 26 new SHUNO cabinets and a specialized ASUNO/ASKUE software package. Personnel will be trained to use it, and a Unified Dispatch Service will be created under the Committee for Transport and Highways of Kursk Oblast. The specialists will monitor the equipment and lighting online and remotely control the equipment. The possibility of dimming depending on natural lighting, traffic loads and weather conditions, combined with the lack of operating costs, could bring extra savings to the regional budget.

These measures are implemented in full accordance with the action plan to optimize electric power costs in Russian regions and municipalities for the purpose of lighting roads and mass introduction of energy-saving technologies, approved by Government Decree No. 2502-p of September 25, 2020. The plan involves the introduction of automated control systems for outdoor road lighting and a phased ban on the use of energy-inefficient lighting sources.

The project uses approved CORVETTE LED fixtures manufactured by LLC MGK Lighting Technologies, a leader in the lighting market both in Russia and the CIS. Equipment from this series has been used under all energy service contracts by Lighting Technologies ESCO since 2015 and has proven to be reliable and high-quality in street lighting in Kursk, Smolensk, Ivanovo, Anapa, Vladimir and other cities.

The installation of new lamps is planned to be completed by the beginning of next year.