
On September 14th and 15th in Moscow there was an important event for the industry — the Russian Association of Eelectrotechnical companies held the first Lighting Committee.

The year of 2017 is rich in important dates for the members of RAEC. On September 1st the Elcom-Electro company was 25 years old!

September 7, the regular meeting of the ‘Honest position’ was held, it involved members of RAEC.
07 сентября 2017

On September 7th, 2017 the meeting of the Association's Steering Committee was held.
07 сентября 2017

July 5, 2017, the EKS company, regional leader in the electrical market, celebrated its 25th anniversary.

In mid-July the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association was held. It was devoted to the results of the 1st half of 2017 and timed to the anniversary of the EKS Company.

In the 20's of June the best managers of the Russian Association of electrotechnical companies had the opportunity to dive into the world of technology of ABB at the BUSCH-JAEGER factory.
13 июля 2017

The Russian Association of Electrical Engineering Companies and Messe Frankfurt RUS (organizer of Interlight in Russia) agreed on cooperation
10 июля 2017

On 1st of June RAEC representatives became the participants of the IMELCO Networking Event 2017 — the meeting in Krakow, attended by representatives of distributors and suppliers of electrical products from all over the world.
01 июня 2017

14 апреля состоялся очередной Совет директоров РАЭК, посвященный подведению итогов работы 1 квартала и защите инвестиционных проектов 2017 года.
14 апреля 2017

February 16, 2017, the annual partnership conference of the Electrical equipment division was held in Moscow Technopolis.
16 февраля 2017
January 27, a regular meeting of RAEC Board of Directors was held. It was devoted to the preparations for the celebration of the 5th anniversary of the Russian Association of Electrotechnical Companies, for planning the February negotiating session and summing up the interim results of negotiations of RAEC for the 2017 season.
27 января 2017
On 19th of December, 2016 two new companies – 'Elcom-Electro' and ZAO 'Chrystal' joined RAEC. Now the Association includes 12 members.
19 декабря 2016

20th October, 2016 Russian electrotechnical company Elevel, member of the Association, celebrated its 25th anniversary.
25 октября 2016
03 октября 2016
August, 2016 an important barrier was taken: the number of items loaded into RAEC Unified database reached one million.
18 августа 2016

July, 2016 ABC-electro group of companies, one of the key members of RAEC, organized a master class “Manager in an era of change” for its colleagues and representatives of the Association and invited to Voronezh a well-known business coach Maxim Batyrev.
03 июля 2016
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