
RAEC Nomenclature Center and ETIM launched regular weight and dimension control

Correct weights and dimensions are a critical sales shaping factor in e-com.


Press office

Ekaterina Kharchenko
+7 499 704-66- 42 ext. 1003

IT Committee of the Centre for Nomenclature and ETIM of RAEC has been held in Moscow

On November 29, representatives of RAEC participants (from IT specialists to company executives) gathered in Moscow for the first committee of the Centre for Nomenclature and ETIM of RAEC.   


Nomenclature of the Ivanovo Cable Plant is Filled Out in the ETIM Standard The Centre for Nomenclature and ETIM of RAEC announced the completion of the technical information of the Ivanovo Cable Plant in the international ETIM standard.


SWG Brand Filled Out in the ETIM Standard

The Centre for Nomenclature and ETIM of RAEC announced the completion of the technical information of the SWG brand in the international ETIM standard.


MKT Brand is Filled Out in the ETIM Standard The Centre for Nomenclature and ETIM of RAEC announced the completion of the technical information of the MKT brand in the international ETIM standard.


New Brand in the RAEC Unified Database CAVEL became a new brand in the Unified Electrotechnical Products Database in the ETIM international standard.


ENSTO Brand Filled out in ETIM Standard The Centre for Nomenclature and ETIM of RAEC announced the completion of the technical information of the ENSTO brand in the international ETIM standard.


New ETIM International Website Launched

As part of the rebranding, updated logos of ETIM International and ETIM Russia were also presented.


Arlight Developers Visit to Centre for Nomenclature and ETIM In Voronezh, a meeting was held between the representatives of the Centre for Nomenclature and ETIM of RAEC and the developers of the Association supplier.


A New Brand Added to the Unified Electrotechnical Products Database The Ivanovo Cable Plant became a new brand in the Unified Electrotechnical Products Database in the ETIM International Standard.


A New Brand Added to the Unified Electrotechnical Products Database

SWG became a new brand in the Unified Electrotechnical Products Database in the ETIM International Standard.


ETIM Technical Committee in Basel On October 16-17, a meeting of the Technical Committee of ETIM International took place in Basel.


ETIM Technical Council: Kick-Start is Given!

At the RAEC Forum, Head of the Centre for Nomenclature and ETIM of RAEC Maya Avdonina announced the members of the new industry council.


RAEC Announces Establishment of the ETIM Technical Council

The ETIM Technical Council and its members will be announced as part of the RAEC Forum, that will be held on September 12, at the Interlight Russia | Intelligent building Russia exhibition.


RAEC-ABB meeting On November 7, a meeting with the representatives of the RAEC Nomenclature and ETIM Center was held at ABB Moscow office.


RAEC at ETIM International Meeting in Vienna On October 10-11, a meeting of the ETIM International Technical Committee was held in Vienna.


The Unified Base of Electrical Products Got State Registration at the Register of Databases

The Unified RAEC Base was successfully registered with the Federal Service for Intellectual Property.


New Brand Added to the Unified Base of Electrical Products TSS has been added in the Unified Base of Electrical Products in ETIM Standard.


“Trofi” Brand Filled in ETIM Standard The RAEC Nomenclature and ETIM Center announced filling of “Trofi” brand in the ETIM International Standard.


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