
Online Interlight+Building Symposium was a success The Interlight+Building symposium was first held on November 26: it was a live stream of Interlight, Building and Smart City sessions.


Press office

Ekaterina Kharchenko
+7 499 704-66- 42 ext. 1003

RAEC University presented the first Signify course

Representatives of Signify and University employee Kirill Kramar took part in the course development.


First Phoenix Contact course was held at RAEC University

The audio course in Relay Modules resulted from a collaboration between the supplier's representatives and an employee of the University Kirill Kramar.


Interlight + Building Symposium to be held on November 26 The Building session will be moderated by Viktor Svintsov, Executive Director at RAEC.


Mastermind team event in Personnel Assessment

On November 18, RAEC University hosted the first mastermind team event in Personnel Assessment for the RAEC's HR community.


RAEC Marketing Committee 2020 The second RAEC Marketing Committee was hosted online on November 2–3.


RAEC University and S3 weighed in on the motivation program results On October 16, we summed up the motivation program conducted by S3 for the Q3 wholesale channel.


RAEC Board of Directors visit Sochi

On October 8-11, the RAEC Board of Directors held its first in-person event after a long break.


Fall Session of RAEC University 2020 This traditional fall event was held in an unconventional online format on October 2.


RAEC at the IMELCO-Schneider Electric Conference The IMELCO – Schneider Electric Conference took place online on September 30.


Ekaterina Kharchenko joins the Golden Photon Award jury Ekaterina joined the Business Achievements Committee.


RAEC Watermelon Fest 2020 The RAEC members held a Watermelon Fest on September 4.


RAEC Nomenclature Center and ETIM launched regular weight and dimension control

Correct weights and dimensions are a critical sales shaping factor in e-com.


RAEC University and IEK Group summarized Learn to Learn results

44 winners from 9 RAEC member companies will receive certificates worth 1,500 and 3,000 rubles.


RAEC University and S3 announced incentive program winners The winners of the program for the retail sales channel were 5 stores of Electrical Technologies.


RAEC Steering Committee held in Moscow The meeting was the Association's first face-to-face event in a long time.


RAEC and IEK GROUP executives met in Moscow The RAEC was represented by all members of the Steering Committee of the Association.


RAEC's Nomenclature Center and ETIM specialists held an online conference with RUED

The purpose of the conference was to discuss the integration of the Union into the Common Base of Electrical Goods.


First IT committee of RAEC distributors held

The first meeting of the RAEC IT Committee of Distributors has been held online today.


RAEC and EKF reviewed the half-year results

A half-year meeting with the vendor's executives was held in Moscow. 


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