
Choose the Audience Award Recipients at Electrical Product Website of the Year 2020 See all participants and vote for your favorites at the contest website until December 21.


Press office

Ekaterina Kharchenko
+7 499 704-66- 42 ext. 1003

Best lighting and electrical companies of 2020 revealed For the third time, the winners of the Eurasian Golden Photon Award will be recognized as a benchmark for product and project quality.


December 15 is the deadline to apply for Electrical Product Website of the Year 2020 Starting from December 15, applications for the international competition of online resources will not be accepted anymore.


Online Interlight+Building Symposium was a success The Interlight+Building symposium was first held on November 26: it was a live stream of Interlight, Building and Smart City sessions.


RAEC University presented the first Signify course

Representatives of Signify and University employee Kirill Kramar took part in the course development.


Electrical Product Website of the Year 2020: Best Usability Read more about the criteria to define the winners.


First Phoenix Contact course was held at RAEC University

The audio course in Relay Modules resulted from a collaboration between the supplier's representatives and an employee of the University Kirill Kramar.


Interlight + Building Symposium to be held on November 26 The Building session will be moderated by Viktor Svintsov, Executive Director at RAEC.


Mastermind team event in Personnel Assessment

On November 18, RAEC University hosted the first mastermind team event in Personnel Assessment for the RAEC's HR community.


How will the best website design be awarded at Electrical Product Website of the Year 2020? Electrical Product Website of the Year 2020 continues to accept participation applications.


RAEC Marketing Committee 2020 The second RAEC Marketing Committee was hosted online on November 2–3.


RAEC University and S3 weighed in on the motivation program results On October 16, we summed up the motivation program conducted by S3 for the Q3 wholesale channel.


RAEC Board of Directors visit Sochi

On October 8-11, the RAEC Board of Directors held its first in-person event after a long break.


Electrical Product Website of the Year 2020: It’s now the application season

Electrical Product Website of the Year is an annual industry website competition in the field of electrical engineering, lighting, cable, and energy.


Fall Session of RAEC University 2020 This traditional fall event was held in an unconventional online format on October 2.


RAEC at the IMELCO-Schneider Electric Conference The IMELCO – Schneider Electric Conference took place online on September 30.


Ekaterina Kharchenko joins the Golden Photon Award jury Ekaterina joined the Business Achievements Committee.


RAEC Watermelon Fest 2020 The RAEC members held a Watermelon Fest on September 4.


Elektroreklama winners announced

This year is not an easy one. And for the first time in many years, the list of winners is announced not at the awards ceremony but remotely.


RAEC Nomenclature Center and ETIM launched regular weight and dimension control

Correct weights and dimensions are a critical sales shaping factor in e-com.


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